Have you ever dreamed of cruising, but didn’t know where to start? Planning on becoming a full time liveaboard? This class will gear you up for what’s ahead. Already out there doing it? Sharpen your knowledge from the experts with this 4-part deep dive into the cruising lifestyle, what it takes, and knowledge to keep you better prepared for your next voyage.
Cruising and living onboard for extended periods present unique opportunities for cruisers. Preparing yourself and your boat for the cruising lifestyle can be an exciting yet confusing prospect. Lisa and Andy Batchelor share their wealth of sailing and cruising knowledge in this interactive and comprehensive webinar series to demystify, inform and inspire.
Lisa and Andy are ASA Master Instructors and the writers of numerous ASA cruising textbooks. They are the primary contributors to the ASA 106 Advanced Cruising & Seamanship text.
Whether you are an aspiring cruiser, a weekend cruiser or you plan to someday embark on a circumnavigation, this webinar series is designed to provide the knowledge to plan, prepare for and successfully execute your cruising dreams. The series includes wide-ranging topics that will enable you to operate smoothly and safely.
Follow the links below for course specifics, dates and times. Hope to see you online!