Cruising for two years onboard their Passport 47 ZINGARO, and for five years on their Outbound 46 KINETIC, Andy and Lisa took advanced students on ocean passages and charter guests through the Caribbean. They also organize and lead annual sailing flotillas on cruising catamarans and monohulls in the Caribbean.
Both Lisa and Andy are frequent recipients of the ASA “Outstanding Instructor” award from 2007 – 2016, and both are certified Instructor Evaluators. The couple continues to instruct at Sail Solomons (under new ownership in 2015). They are certified captains of the oyster skipjack “Dee of St Mary’s” for the Calvert Marine Museum. They race whenever they can, both inland and offshore.
Their broad range of experience in cruising, chartering and charter operations enabled them to write the ASA “Bareboat Cruising Made Easy” and “Cruising Catamarans Made Easy” and “Going Ashore Made Easy” textbooks. They are the primary contributors to ASA’s “Advanced Cruising & Seamanship” textbook.
Andy and Lisa launched Kinetic Sailing in 2014 to offer marine consulting, charter brokerage, deliveries and specialized instruction with a more global scope. They provide sail training and certification for students and instructors at all levels. They also conduct cruising and ocean passagemaking instruction, including instructional passages and deliveries.